yellowblurb 4tutelevel 4tempdoc 4tempdoc2 4isithere yellowgroup tuteback Binvback tutefield CRLF& "The simplest HTML Example"& ""This one heading"& ?"Welcome world i"And servertext dirtext yellarrow 3015,1935 yellowbox documents are may be created editor." "They consist fspecial tags. These tell the viewer how display information." malso provide 5 on Ulocation related "You can ]NCSA Mosaic Windows, Mac, X, Cello etc" Hyperedit ^be used easily "Here example "First we'll look )giving a title." "Highlight area you wish perform operation on." 2895,585 "Then press TITLE 1080,4470 K>A Simple Document " tag 4035,1110 yellarrow2 yellowbox2 "At some stage cediting PARAGRAPH markers will be your .

" .

" 3015,1935 image a cat.gif "I'd like emphasize oemail address." "Lets just a bit more 's another three lines." 3330,2695 "Add filename that embed, 4875,2715 "Select B. (Hint: Use mouse change alignment.)" 4350,4440 a I'd required formatting 4125,3240 lets 3105,3840 ADDRESS 3300,4890 correctly formatted." 3180,3720 "Kangaroo"& "Koala"& "Emu"& "Sandgroper" "Suppose a list listform 3615,930 "By pressing a numbered 1935,3975 "Highlighting 5220,4800 "

" 3615,930 "" 3615,930 Gophers" I want a link resource, such 3615,930 "After selecting LINK." 5085,4410 4665,370 "Enter" 3615,1390 enter directory. NB: below!" "Other Information Servers" 3840,2725 finally 3570,3610 "Click compose URL & FOK (normally located above 4605,460 " 4305,1665 tuteforward Binvforward isn't easier than trying remember 4305,1665 anchors, preformatting 4305,1665 Btuteexit yellowblurb :1yellowblurb The simplest HTML Example This is a level one heading Welcome to the world of HTML. This is one paragraph. And this is a second. HTML documents are in plain text format and may be created using any text editor. They consist of text with special tags. These tags tell the viewer how to display the information. They also provide information on the location of related documents. You can view HTML documents using NCSA Mosaic for Windows, Mac, X, Cello etc HTML Hyperedit can be used to easily create the documents. Here is an example of how to create a simple HTML document. First we'll look at giving the document a title. Highlight the area of text the you wish to perform the operation on. The simplest HTML example Then press the TITLE button. A Simple HTML Document The HTML tags are automatically placed! The document is titled. Now we'll add a heading to an area of the document. Highlight the area of text the you wish to perform the operation on. Press the HEADING button. This is a level one heading Then select the heading level you require.

This is a level one heading

The HTML heading tag is now in place. This is one paragraph. And this is a second. At some stage while editing the document press the PARAGRAPH button. And paragraph markers will be automatically placed into your document. This is one paragraph.

And this is a second.

Here's an image of a cat.gif cat. I'd like to emphasize this! Here's my email address. Lets just add a bit more text. Here's another three lines. Add the filename of the image that you wish to embed, and highlight it. Select the image button. (Hint: Use the right mouse button to change alignment.) And the image tag is placed! Here's an image of a cat. I can also set the style of an area of the document. Select FORMAT, and then choose a style. In this case, BOLD. I'd like to emphasize this! The tags required for formatting are placed. And lets put an email address at the bottom of the document. Select the ADDRESS button.

Here's my email address.
My address is now correctly formatted. Kangaroo Koala Sandgroper Suppose you want to format a list of items. By pressing the right mouse button I can select a numbered or plain list. Highlighting the list and pressing the button will format it.
  • Kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Emu
  • Sandgroper And the list is formatted!
  • Kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Emu
  • Sandgroper And the list is formatted! Here is a list of Gophers Now I want to create a link to another resource, such as a list of Gophers. After selecting the word that will become the link, press LINK. Select the type of item you wish to create a link to. Enter the name of the server here, or select previous item. Then enter the directory. NB: Gopher item type below! Other Gopher and Information Servers And finally the file name (if required). Here is a list of Gophers Click compose URL & then OK (normally located above here!) Here is a list of Gophers And the link is created. Now isn't that easier than trying to remember the tags? You can also set anchors, preformatting and other things. buttonup tuteexit invforward tuteforward listform formtype yellowbox2 yellarrow2 yellowgroup2 headhead headings yellowbox yellowgroup yellarrow dirtext servertext tutefield invback tuteback isithere tempdoc2 tempdoc tutelevel efield invback tuteback isithere tempdoc2 tempdoc tutelevel 4lastTextState Zfirstone service "telnet" dirtext) htmlpage "" & & "" & "://" & & "@" & & ">" & & "" x"file" x"/" "/" & & "://" & & "/" & filetext & & ">" & & "" & ":///" & "/" & & ">" & & "" linkinfo buttonup buttonup telnet Gophershis is one paragraph.

    And this is a second.

    Here's an image of a cat. I'd like to emphasize this!

    Here's my email address.
    rial to see a live demo of creating a simple HTML document. It may be all you need, and although limited, is probably better than this! HTML Documents are plain text documents with special tags that indicate formatting information or links to further information. To tag a word or area of text, highlight it by dragging the mouse over as normal. It will then appear in reverse text. To perform an operation on the text, select one of the control buttons on the bottom of the screen. These are described below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: There should be only one title block in the document. It indicates what the document is called. Currently no error checking is done to look for multiple title blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information includes: 1. Services (FTP, Gopher, HTTP, etc) *The port number is automatically selected depending on the service. You can manually change the port if you wish. 2. Host name (eg *For files on a local machine, or network drive, this should be blank. 3. Directory name (/pub/docs) *This is also the USERNAME for telnet information. *If referring to a file on a local machine, such as c:, don't include the :. (Refer to c:\docs as c/docs). *For Gopher, make sure you include the document type. eg (11/docs/info). 4. Filename (intro.html) Optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. helpme helpme HTML HYPEREDIT " & CRLF & (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock" "Walkthrough UyperEdit" & P"Select pointing hands above navigate!" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter HTML HYPEREDIT (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock helpme mouseleave Walkthrough of HTML HyperEdit Select pointing hands above to navigate! helpme Walkthrough of HTML Hyperedit 1677,757,4365,26855 levels headinglist Level of Heading? 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & out & "
    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & out & "
    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState Cancel levels buttonup buttonup levels Cancel headings Ztbegin, tend 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & [& "" headhead headings buttonup buttonup headings headhead htmlpage lastTextState tbegin Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 CANCEL headhead Select Heading Level service httperTP Indicator pstatus Placing paragraph markers into document Gauge setGauge percent <= 1 >= 0 "limiter" yMin yMax "Indicator" setGauge setGauge limiter Indicator percent Indicator Limiter Percent Complete formtype 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Italic 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & T& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Strong 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Variable 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Sample 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & P& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Fixed Select Format Type formtype buttonup buttonup formtype Cancel listform numbered Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Numbered Plain Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Plain List Format imageform alignbottom Balignbottom Baligntop imageform buttonup buttonup imageform aligntop alignbottom Bottom aligntop Baligntop Balignbottom imageform buttonup buttonup imageform alignbottom aligntop Align Image yellarrow2 yellowgroup yellarrow yellowbox You can also set anchors, preformatting and other things. LINK. of Gophers.ent.)y the information. and files.. Use the LOCAL FILE function. yellowgroup2 yellowbox2 At some stage while editing the document press the PARAGRAPH button........ tuteinfo You have started a brief on-line tutorial, designed to introduce you to HTML, and facilities of this editor. Select either of the pointing hands to move to the next or previous step. Select the EXIT button at any time to leave. (Yes it will be expanded and optimised in the near future - remember this is an alpha!). 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup tuteinfo tutefield buttonup buttonup yellowblurb tutefield tuteinfo yellowgroup tutelevel I'll give it a try tuteinfo tuteback tuteforward Binvback Binvforward Btuteexit tutefield buttonup buttonup tutefield tuteexit invforward invback tuteforward tuteback tuteinfo No thanks. Helpok tutefield Btitle Bheading Banchor Bimage Blink Bpreform Baddress Blist file" Bparagraphs Bhelpok buttonup buttonup quote format open file save file clear helpok paragraphs address preform image anchor heading title tutefield tuteexit 4temp 4temp2 4isithere tuteback tuteforward Binvback Binvforward Btuteexit yellowbox yellowgroup yellarrow2 tutefield listform formtype linkinfo H0,-400 buttonup buttonup linkinfo formtype listform tutefield yellarrow2 yellowgroup yellowbox tuteexit invforward invback tuteforward tuteback isithere temp2 tuteforward tuteback invback 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup buttonup buttonup yellowblurb yellowgroup tutelevel invforward 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup buttonup buttonup yellowblurb yellowgroup tutelevel nope2 nope1 about about2 ~drdactivatate dactivatated Windows Simple HTML Editor v0.3a Thrown together by Steve Hancock ( (C) 1993 - but freely distributable!! about buttonup buttonup about Walkthrough of HTML Hyperedit Select pointing hands above to navigate! mouseleave helpme Quote Clear "Are you really, sure?" f"Positively" htmlpage helpme "Clears current document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup Are you really, really sure? Positively Positively htmlpage mouseenter Clears current document. helpme mouseleave helpme .:t)c Paragraphs htmlpage pstatus setgauge 0 Zloop, maxcount, deccount r) -1 & blah "

    " *100 > default helpme "Place markers document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup esetgauge esetgauge esetgauge default maxcount deccount gauge pstatus htmlpage mouseenter Place paragraph markers into document. helpme mouseleave helpme Paragraphs Open File X"EASYDLG.DLL" Pointer FileOpenDialog(WORD,STRING, saveStartingDir --Parm 1 : Parent windows 2 : Caption ex. " v Wave B3 : Initial Directory ex. "." e4 : Default Extension ex. "wav" Types ex. " eFiles" 6 : Defined Filters "*. 7 : Multiselect (1 1 allows multiselect, 0 only 1 file be selected ","","htm","HTML , "*. Zfilename ResetStartingDir htmlpage charsRead < 32000 IfileName 16000 H16000 helpme tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp EASYDLG.DLL FileOpenDialog Open File HTML Files *.htm FileOpenDialog EASYDLG.DLL fileName fileName charsRead htmlpage filename mouseenter Open a new file. helpme mouseleave helpme Save File Zfilename X"EASYDLG.DLL" Pointer FileSaveAsDialog(WORD,STRING, saveStartingDir --Parm 1 : Parent windows 2 : Caption ex. "Open Wave D3 : Initial Directory ex. "\Windows" n4 : Default Extension ex. "wav" Types ex. " lFiles" 6 : Defined Filters "*. HTML ;","","htm"," K,"*. ResetStartingDir fileName sysErrorNumber htmlpage helpme document tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp EASYDLG.DLL FileSaveAsDialog 3 Save HTML File HTML Files *.htm FileSaveAsDialog EASYDLG.DLL fileName fileName fileName htmlpage filename mouseenter Save this document to a file. helpme mouseleave helpme 7"978 !h$.: -"9;; ::; !h$.: ::8N) :tTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme overview 0z4t4t4 linkpage doctypes Gopher" port service "gopher" HTTP/WWW" "http" WAIS" "210" "wais" Telnet" "telnet" News" "119" "news" "ftp" File" "file" doctypes dochead buttonup buttonup Gopher gopher HTTP/WWW WAIS Telnet telnet News FTP File service HTTP/WWW Gopher File WAIS News Telnet FTP LLLLLLLLLLLL wwwbutton linktype wwwbutton buttonup buttonup 8{linktype wwwbutton HTTP/WWW ftpbutton linktype ftpbutton buttonup buttonup 8{linktype ftpbutton FTP File telnetbutton linktype telnetbutton buttonup buttonup 8{linktype telnetbutton Telnet newsbutton linktype newsbutton buttonup buttonup 8{linktype newsbutton filebutton linktype filebutton Zlooper X"EASYDLG.DLL" Pointer FileOpenDialog(WORD,STRING, saveStartingDir --Parm 1 : Parent windows 2 : Caption ex. " v Wave B3 : Initial Directory ex. "." e4 : Default Extension ex. "wav" Types ex. " eFiles" 6 : Defined Filters "*. 7 : Multiselect (1 1 allows multiselect, 0 only 1 be selected 8, "Select ","","*","All , "*.*",1) Zfilename :///" & buttonup buttonup 8{linktype EASYDLG.DLL FileOpenDialog Select File All Files FileOpenDialog EASYDLG.DLL file:/// filename looper filebutton Local File gopherbutton linktype gopherbutton buttonup buttonup 8{linktype gopherbutton Gopher Type of Link gopher:// Gopher and Information Servers/blahblahe newsgroup Enter Newsgroup: newsfield curtin.compcentre Bcheckurl 4lastTextState Zfirstone Btelnetbutton dirtext) htmlpage "" & & "" & "://" & & "@" & servertext & ":" & & ">" & & "" service x"file" x"/" "/" & & "://" & & "/" & filetext & & ">" & & "" & ":///" & "/" & & ">" & & "" linkinfo buttonup buttonup buttonup Try the HTML tutorial to see a live demo of creating a simple HTML document. It may be all you need, and although limited, is probably better than this! HTML Documents are plain text documents with special tags that indicate formatting information or links to further information. To tag a word or area of text, highlight it by dragging the mouse over as normal. It will then appear in reverse text. To perform an operation on the text, select one of the control buttons on the bottom of the screen. These are described below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: There should be only one title block in the document. It indicates what the document is called. Currently no error checking is done to look for multiple title blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information includes: 1. Services (FTP, Gopher, HTTP, etc) *The port number is automatically selected depending on the service. You can manually change the port if you wish. 2. Host name (eg *For files on a local machine, or network drive, this should be blank. 3. Directory name (/pub/docs) *This is also the USERNAME for telnet information. *If referring to a file on a local machine, such as c:, don't include the :. (Refer to c:\docs as c/docs). *For Gopher, make sure you include the document type. eg (11/docs/info). 4. Filename (intro.html) Optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. linkpage r is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. txclassname 3DFrame Paragraphs 4lastTextState Zloop Zltype E <= "

  • " & " " & htmlpage "<" & & ">" & CRLF & "" listform helpme "Format selected lines 6. Right rightbuttondown buttonup mouseenter mouseleave buttonup htmlpage ltype lastTextState rightbuttondown listform mouseenter Format selected lines as a list. Right button = select type of list. helpme mouseleave helpme helpme "Selected will be a linked a document resource on another server." tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp mouseenter Selected text will be a linked to a document or resource on another server. helpme mouseleave helpme mouseleave helpme r resource on another server. helpme mouseleave helpme h dlgInit static dirname,s40,Directory: static server,s28,Server: button Gopher,b17,FALSE button WWW,b18,TRUE button News,b19,FALSE button Telnet,b20,FALSE button wais,b21,FALSE button File,b22,FALSE static seltype,s23,Type: combobox server,c27, edit port,e29, static porttext,s30,Port: combobox directory,c34, combobox file,c38, static fname,s41,Filename: button OK,b43,TRUE button cancel,b44,FALSE dlgBox 524480,17,30,20,223,137,,,Link Editor,8,Helv,dirname,8.65,39.63,32.61,11.45,40,1342177280,130,Directory:,0,server,17.22,20.55,28.61,11.45,28,1342177280,130,Server:,0,Gopher,80.65,82.09,35.43,9.85,17,1342177289,128,Gopher,0,WWW,44.61,81.93,33.68,10.46,18,1342177289,128,WWW,0,News,80.61,96.82,31.43,9.85,19,1342177289,128,News,0,Telnet,45.03,96.90,34.86,10.46,20,1342177289,128,Telnet,0,wais,120.61,97.15,32.53,10.46,21,1342177289,128,WAIS,0,File,121.22,82.91,28.53,9.85,22,1342177289,128,File,0,seltype,21.30,81.93,19.50,10.22,23,1342177280,130,Type:,0,server,44.65,19.94,101.68,80.31,27,1352728643,133,,0,port,180.65,20.55,16.04,12.55,29,1350631552,129,,0,porttext,157.75,22.40,17.18,12.06,30,1342177280,130,Port:,0,directory,44.65,39.02,101.10,80.31,34,1352728643,133,,0,file,44.65,59.94,101.10,80.31,38,1352728643,133,,0,fname,9.22,59.94,33.18,11.45,41,1342177280,130,Filename:,0,OK,160.08,46.40,38.29,18.46,43,1342242817,128,OK,0,cancel,160.65,79.02,38.29,18.46,44,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 ctrlID Image 4anchorname ("What the filename image?" 4lastTextState Baligntop htmlpage "" & ">" imageform helpme "Selected inline 4. Right alignment rightbuttondown buttonup mouseenter mouseleave buttonup " & U& " htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Format selected lines as an email address. helpme mouseleave helpme Address Anchor 4anchorname ("What zyou want call the 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & "" helpme "Anchor selected . Other documents may Fform a link tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup What do you want to call the anchor? " & & " htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Selected text to become title of document. Should only appear once in document. helpme mouseleave helpme Title Heading headings headhead levels helpme "Set selected z x, where x 1-6." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup headhead headings mouseenter Set selected text to heading level x, where x is 1-6. helpme mouseleave helpme Heading Preform 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & 
    Q& "
    htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Selected text will appear in fixed-width font within viewer. helpme mouseleave helpme Preform Quote 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & X& "
    htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Format selected lines as a quotation. helpme mouseleave helpme Quote Clear "Are you really, sure?" f"Positively" htmlpage helpme "Clears current document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup Are you really, really sure? Positively Positively htmlpage mouseenter Clears current document. helpme mouseleave helpme Paragraphs htmlpage pstatus setgauge 0 Zloop, maxcount, deccount r) -1 & blah "

    " *100 > default helpme "Place markers document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup esetgauge esetgauge esetgauge default maxcount deccount gauge pstatus htmlpage mouseenter Place paragraph markers into document. helpme mouseleave helpme Open File X"EASYDLG.DLL" Pointer FileOpenDialog(WORD,STRING, saveStartingDir --Parm 1 : Parent windows 2 : Caption ex. " v Wave B3 : Initial Directory ex. "." e4 : Default Extension ex. "wav" Types ex. " eFiles" 6 : Defined Filters "*. 7 : Multiselect (1 1 allows multiselect, 0 only 1 file be selected ","","htm","HTML , "*. Zfilename ResetStartingDir htmlpage charsRead < 32000 IfileName 16000 H16000 helpme tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp EASYDLG.DLL FileOpenDialog Open File HTML Files *.htm FileOpenDialog EASYDLG.DLL fileName fileName charsRead htmlpage filename mouseenter Open a new file. helpme mouseleave helpme Save File Zfilename X"EASYDLG.DLL" Pointer FileSaveAsDialog(WORD,STRING, saveStartingDir --Parm 1 : Parent windows 2 : Caption ex. "Open Wave D3 : Initial Directory ex. "\Windows" n4 : Default Extension ex. "wav" Types ex. " lFiles" 6 : Defined Filters "*. HTML ;","","htm"," K,"*. ResetStartingDir fileName sysErrorNumber htmlpage helpme document tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp EASYDLG.DLL FileSaveAsDialog 3 Save HTML File HTML Files *.htm FileSaveAsDialog EASYDLG.DLL fileName fileName fileName htmlpage filename mouseenter Save this document to a file. helpme mouseleave helpme 7"978 Save File buttonup search -"9.: Search/Replace helpme "Search document foptional replace." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup search mouseenter Search for text in document with optional replace. helpme mouseleave helpme Zfilename X"EASYDLG.DLL" Pointer FileSaveAsDialog(WORD,STRING, saveStartingDir --Parm 1 : Parent windows 2 : Caption ex. "Open Wave D3 : Initial Directory ex. "\Windows" n4 : Default Extension ex. "wav" Types ex. " lFiles" 6 : Defined Filters "*. HTML ;","","htm"," K,"*. ResetStartingDir fileName sysErrorNumber htmlpage helpme document tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp EASYDLG.DLL FileSaveAsDialog 3 Save HTML File HTML Files *.htm FileSaveAsDialog EASYDLG.DLL fileName fileName fileName htmlpage filename mouseenter Save this document to a file. helpme mouseleave helpme -"9.: html2 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme -------------------------------------------- Help with HTML HyperEdit ------------------------------------------- All commands are accessible from the one screen, by pressing appropriate control buttons that appear on the bottom of the screen. Try the HTML tutorial to see a live demo of creating a simple HTML document. It may be all you need, and although limited, is probably better than this! HTML Documents are plain text documents with special tags that indicate formatting information or links to further information. To tag a word or area of text, highlight it by dragging the mouse over as normal. It will then appear in reverse text. To perform an operation on the text, select one of the control buttons on the bottom of the screen. These are described below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: There should be only one title block in the document. It indicates what the document is called. Currently no error checking is done to look for multiple title blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information depends on the type of service that you wish to create the link to. The port is automatically selected depending on the service you select. You can change this if you wish. Once you entered the relevant information, click COMPOSE URL. This will compose the URL based on the link. Then click OK. You may edit the URL before clicking ok. The Gopher type is currently a kludge. It was put together quickly and I need to do some more work. You can always manually change the URL if you don't like it. Its worked (so far) for me! The types of services are: 1. HTTP/WWW: fill out host, port, path, and optionally an anchor. 2. Telnet: Host and optional username 3. News: enter the name of the newsgroup 4. FTP: the host, directory and filename (optional) of the file 5. Local file: Brings up a dialog box to allow you to select the file. NB: to select a directory, select a file within that directory and remove the file from the URL after composing. 6. Gopher: host, port, path, filename and select the type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. SEARCH/REPLACE: Best to leave the default switched. Will perform a search/replace on current document. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. ILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. linkpage c"File" cDocument cHelp c"Edit" e"Exit HyperEdit" e"About HTML 4whereami Btuteexit tuteback tuteforward Binvback Binvforward updateme overview setupmenu ExittoHyperEdit title titleblock body bodyblock ) - 1 leavepage enterpage ExittoHyperEdit updateme enterpage Exit to HyperEdit About HTML HyperEdit dupdateme overview invforward invback tuteforward tuteback tuteexit whereami Document leavepage setupmenu ExittoHyperEdit buttonup tuteexit updateme invforward tuteforward invback tuteback bodyblock titleblock title whereami html3 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme 6z9&= @"X|X" & [& "" headhead headings buttonup buttonup headings headhead htmlpage lastTextState tbegin Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 CANCEL headhead Select Heading Level Indicator pstatus Placing paragraph markers into document Gauge setGauge percent <= 1 >= 0 "limiter" yMin yMax "Indicator" setGauge setGauge limiter Indicator percent Indicator Limiter Percent Complete formtype 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Italic 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & T& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Strong 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Variable 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Sample 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & P& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Fixed Select Format Type formtype buttonup buttonup formtype Cancel listform numbered Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Numbered Plain Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Plain List Format imageform alignbottom Balignbottom Baligntop imageform buttonup buttonup imageform aligntop alignbottom Bottom aligntop Baligntop Balignbottom imageform buttonup buttonup imageform alignbottom aligntop Align Image about about2 =activatated =activatate Windows Simple HTML Editor v0.3a Thrown together by Steve Hancock ( (C) 1993 - but freely distributable!! about buttonup buttonup about Helpok tutefield Bhelpok buttonup buttonup helpok tutefield tutefield 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme -------------------------------------------- Help with HTML HyperEdit ------------------------------------------- All commands are accessible from the one screen, by pressing appropriate control buttons that appear on the bottom of the screen. Try the HTML tutorial to see a live demo of creating a simple HTML document. It may be all you need, and although limited, is probably better than this! HTML Documents are plain text documents with special tags that indicate formatting information or links to further information. To tag a word or area of text, highlight it by dragging the mouse over as normal. It will then appear in reverse text. To perform an operation on the text, select one of the control buttons on the bottom of the screen. These are described below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: There should be only one title block in the document. It indicates what the document is called. Currently no error checking is done to look for multiple title blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information depends on the type of service that you wish to create the link to. The port is automatically selected depending on the service you select. You can change this if you wish. Once you entered the relevant information, click COMPOSE URL. This will compose the URL based on the link. Then click OK. You may edit the URL before clicking ok. The Gopher type is currently a kludge. It was put together quickly and I need to do some more work. You can always manually change the URL if you don't like it. Its worked (so far) for me! The types of services are: 1. HTTP/WWW: fill out host, port, path, and optionally an anchor. 2. Telnet: Host and optional username 3. News: enter the name of the newsgroup 4. FTP: the host, directory and filename (optional) of the file 5. Local file: Brings up a dialog box to allow you to select the file. NB: to select a directory, select a file within that directory and remove the file from the URL after composing. 6. Gopher: host, port, path, filename and select the type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. SEARCH/REPLACE: Best to leave the default switched. Will perform a search/replace on current document. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. service httperTP helpme helpme HTML HYPEREDIT " & CRLF & (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter HTML HYPEREDIT (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock helpme mouseleave helpme 4whattext buttonup buttonup whattext Find Again ------------------------------------------ HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information includes: 1. Services (FTP, Gopher, HTTP, etc) *The port number is automatically selected depending on the service. You can manually change the port if you wish. 2. Host name (eg *For files on a local machine, or network drive, this should be blank. 3. Directory name (/pub/docs) *This is also the USERNAME for telnet information. *If referring to a file on a local machine, such as c:, don't include the :. (Refer to c:\docs as c/docs). *For Gopher, make sure you include the document type. eg (11/docs/info). 4. Filename (intro.html) Optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. service httperTP helpme helpme HTML HYPEREDIT " & CRLF & (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter HTML HYPEREDIT (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock helpme mouseleave helpme 4whattext buttonup buttonup whattext Find Again quote format open file save file clear helpok paragraphs address preform image anchor heading title tutefield tuteexit 4temp 4temp2 4isithere tuteback tuteforward Binvback Binvforward Btuteexit yellowbox yellowgroup yellarrow2 tutefield listform formtype linkinfo H0,-400 buttonup buttonup linkinfo formtype listform tutefield yellarrow2 yellowgroup yellowbox tuteexit invforward invback tuteforward tuteback isithere temp2 tuteforward tuteback invback 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup buttonup buttonup yellowblurb yellowgroup tutelevel invforward 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup buttonup buttonup yellowblurb yellowgroup tutelevel nope2 nope1 about about2 ~drdactivatate dactivatated Windows Simple HTML Editor v0.3a Thrown together by Steve Hancock ( (C) 1993 - but freely distributable!! about buttonup buttonup about linkDLL "tbkfile.dll" getfilelist( getcurrentdrive() getcurrentdirectory( setcurrentdirectory( fileexists( --Set up the menus load document 1 buffer setupMenu 4docnumber Lglobal z(1-3) e"Document 1" htmlpage html1 default closing --but only (may xhave been saved) --kludgey croutine, must tidy up c"Text" c"Page" c"File" e"Import..." e"Export..." e"About Toolbook" e"Select e"Printer Setup" Pages" e"Run..." c"Help" e"Open" e"Save" As..." e"Exit" linkDLL "tbkfile.dll" getfilelist( getcurrentdrive() getcurrentdirectory( setcurrentdirectory( fileexists( --Set up the menus load document 1 buffer setupMenu 4docnumber Lglobal z(1-3) e"Document 1" htmlpage html1 default closing --but only (may xhave been saved) --kludgey croutine, must tidy up c"Text" c"Page" c"File" e"Import..." e"Export..." e"About Toolbook" e"Select e"Printer Setup" Pages" e"Run..." c"Help" e"Open" e"Save" As..." e"Exit" fHTML HyperEdit" Tutorial" e"Hypermedia Information" --This section handles 3 documents Document1 = 2 html2 edocument2 = 3 html3 edocument3 edocument1 B"=" B"1" HelpwithHTMLHyperEdit tutefield fileName "htmlhelp.txt" sysErrorNumber charsRead < 32000 16000 H16000 Bhelpok Document2 = 1 = 3 Document3 = 1 = 2 --Credits AboutHTMLHyperEdit about HypermediaInformation HTMLHyperEditTutorial 4tutelevel tuteback tuteforward Binvback Binvforward Btuteexit tuteinfo enterbook HelpwithHTMLHyperEdit setupMenu Document2 Document3 Document1 AboutHTMLHyperEdit HypermediaInformation leavebook HTMLHyperEditTutorial enterbook tbkfile.dll getfilelist getcurrentdrive getcurrentdirectory setcurrentdirectory fileexists setupMenu default html1 htmlpage docnumber leavebook htmlpage html1 docnumber setupMenu About Toolbook Select Page Save As... Document Document 1 Document Document 2 Document Document 3 Document Help with HTML HyperEdit HTML HyperEdit Tutorial Hypermedia Information About HTML HyperEdit Document1 default document1 html1 document3 html3 document2 htmlpage html2 docnumber buttonup buttonup HelpwithHTMLHyperEdit htmlhelp.txt helpok charsRead fileName tutefield Document2 default document2 html2 document3 html3 document1 htmlpage html1 docnumber Document3 default document3 html3 document2 html2 document1 htmlpage html1 docnumber AboutHTMLHyperEdit about HypermediaInformation HTMLHyperEditTutorial tuteinfo tuteexit invforward invback tuteforward tuteback tutelevel buttonup about Zgophertype Bwwwbutton dirtext x"/" "/" & filetext x"/" "/" & anchor "http://" & servertext & ":" & port & & "#" & Btelnetbutton )://" & & "@" & Z://" & Bnewsbutton :" & newsfield Bftpbutton x"/" "/" & x"/" "/" & ://" & Bgopherbutton x"/" "/" & x"/" "/" & Bgdir "11" Bgfil "00" Bgbin "99" ://" & "/" & buttonup buttonup http:// http:// telnet:// telnet:// news: file:// gopher:// gopherbutton ftpbutton newsfield newsbutton telnetbutton servertext anchor filetext dirtext wwwbutton gophertype linktype buttontype hidebox hidebox2 gophgroup wwwbutton Bgopherbutton Bfilebutton Bnewsbutton Btelnetbutton Bftpbutton newsgroup httpgroup port anchortext "Anchor" User:" gtype gwhat gdir Bgfil Bgbin linktype gtype linktype Anchor User: anchortext httpgroup newsgroup ftpbutton telnetbutton newsbutton filebutton gopherbutton wwwbutton gophgroup hidebox2 hidebox buttontype gtype gwhat linktype buttontype hidebox hidebox2 gophgroup wwwbutton Bgopherbutton Bfilebutton Bnewsbutton Btelnetbutton Bftpbutton newsgroup httpgroup port anchortext "Anchor" User:" gtype gwhat gdir Bgfil Bgbin linktype gtype linktype Anchor User: anchortext httpgroup newsgroup ftpbutton telnetbutton newsbutton filebutton gopherbutton wwwbutton gophgroup hidebox2 hidebox buttontype gtype gwhat file:// ftpbutton newsfield newsbutton telnetbutton servertext anchor filetext dirtext wwwbutton telnet A Simple Document " tag 4035,1110 yellarrow2 yellowbox2 "At some stage cediting PARAGRAPH markers will be your .

    " .

    " 3015,1935 image a cat.gif "I'd like emphasize oemail address." "Lets just a bit more 's another three lines." 3330,2695 "Add filename that embed, 4875,2715 "Select B. (Hint: Use mouse change alignment.)" 4350,4440 a I'd required formatting 4125,3240 lets 3105,3840 ADDRESS 3300,4890 correctly formatted." 3180,3720 "Kangaroo"& "Koala"& "Emu"& "Sandgroper" "Suppose a list listform 3615,930 "By pressing a numbered 1935,3975 "Highlighting 5220,4800 "

    " 3615,930 "" 3615,930 Gophers" I want a link resource, such 3615,930 linkinfo H0,-400 "After selecting LINK." 5085,4410 selectedtextlines doctypes 2385,1015 "Enter server servertext" 5355,1735 enter directory, username TELNET. NB: dirtext "1/Other Information Servers" 5175,3355 finally 5205,4780 "Click OK" 2400,3595 " 4305,1665 tuteforward Binvforward isn't easier than trying remember 4305,1665 anchors, preformatting 4305,1665 Btuteexit yellowblurb B1yellowblurb The simplest HTML Example This is a level one heading Welcome to the world of HTML. This is one paragraph. And this is a second. HTML documents are in plain text format and may be created using any text editor. They consist of text with special tags. These tags tell the viewer how to display the information. They also provide information on the location of related documents. You can view HTML documents using NCSA Mosaic for Windows, Mac, X, Cello etc HTML Hyperedit can be used to easily create the documents. Here is an example of how to create a simple HTML document. First we'll look at giving the document a title. Highlight the area of text the you wish to perform the operation on. The simplest HTML example Then press the TITLE button. A Simple HTML Document The HTML tags are automatically placed! The document is titled. Now we'll add a heading to an area of the document. Highlight the area of text the you wish to perform the operation on. Press the HEADING button. This is a level one heading Then select the heading level you require.

    This is a level one heading

    The HTML heading tag is now in place. This is one paragraph. And this is a second. At some stage while editing the document press the PARAGRAPH button. And paragraph markers will be automatically placed into your document. This is one paragraph.

    And this is a second.

    Here's an image of a cat.gif cat. I'd like to emphasize this! Here's my email address. Lets just add a bit more text. Here's another three lines. Add the filename of the image that you wish to embed, and highlight it. Select the image button. (Hint: Use the right mouse button to change alignment.) And the image tag is placed! Here's an image of a cat. I can also set the style of an area of the document. Select FORMAT, and then choose a style. In this case, BOLD. I'd like to emphasize this! The tags required for formatting are placed. And lets put an email address at the bottom of the document. Select the ADDRESS button.

    Here's my email address.
    My address is now correctly formatted. Kangaroo Koala Sandgroper Suppose you want to format a list of items. By pressing the right mouse button I can select a numbered or plain list. Highlighting the list and pressing the button will format it.
  • Kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Emu
  • Sandgroper And the list is formatted!
  • Kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Emu
  • Sandgroper And the list is formatted! Here is a list of Gophers Now I want to create a link to another resource, such as a list of Gophers. After selecting the word that will become the link, press LINK. Select the type of item you wish to create a link to. Enter the name of the server here, or select previous item. Then enter the directory, or username if TELNET. NB: Gopher item type. 1/Other Gopher and Information Servers And finally the file name (if required). Here is a list of Gophers Click OK Here is a list of Gophers And the link is created. Now isn't that easier than trying to remember the tags? You can also set anchors, preformatting and other things. buttonup tuteexit invforward tuteforward dirtext servertext doctypes linkinfo listform formtype yellowbox2 yellarrow2 yellowgroup2 headhead headings yellowbox yellowgroup yellarrow tutefield invback tuteback isithere tempdoc2 tempdoc tutelevel html1 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme ---------------------------- HTML Hyperedit ---------------------------- HTML HyperEdit is a facility designed for MS-Windows(tm) users to aid and assist in the creation of HTML documents. It also comes with an introduction to Hypermedia and a HTML Hyperedit walkthrough. HTML documents are simply plain text documents with special tags that client programs such as NCSA Mosaic use to decide how to display the text (bold, italics) and how to link documents together. HTML is a collection of styles used to define various components of the document. This version (v0.3a) is largely based on "A Beginners Guide to HTML" produced by NCSA. (Thanks guys!). I'm putting this together primarily for my own use, but anyone else who may find it useful is free to use it! (Subject to conditions below). Background: -------------------- This program has been put together entirely in my own spare time for the following purposes:- 1. To make it easier to edit HTML documents, including importing existing text documents for quick conversion to HTML 2. So I could become more familiar with HTML and also get in a bit of Toolbook development. (I didn't have time to do it in C, apologies to the purists out there!) 3. To provide a tool that someone who knows little about HTML could use for creating documents and learning about HTML. (I may as well make my teaching tasks easier too!) Although there are some good Word macros to make HTML documents, editors on other platforms are available etc, and even an RTF to HTML converter, a simple Windows editor was lacking. So I thought I'd throw one together, primarily for my own purposes. However, I've made it available for anyone else who may find it useful. (FTP to, directory pub/internet/mswindows/hyperedit). Changes since v0.2a ---------------------------------- - News link fixed (simpler dialog) - Standard load and save dialogs - Search and replace - Better link information, only the information required for a particular type of link is displayed - Gopher types (kludge, sort of there, more to go) - Improved interface - Link to anchors within documents - Local file link through a standard dialog box - Streamlined telnet information entry - Improved some code, lots to go though - Compose URL feature, and allow editing of URL before placing into document Features v0.2a: ------------------------- The following document tags are supported: - Titles - Six levels of headings - Inline images, aligned top or bottom - Simple numbered and unnumbered lists - Address tags - Italic/citation/variable text format - bold/strong text format - fixed-width font format - preformatted text - blockquotes - anchors within documents - URL links to files, WWW servers, gopher, telnet, News Other features include: - Everything easily accessible from one screen using clearly labelled controls - Multiple documents (3 at the moment) - Automatic insertion of paragraph markers - History of previous links placed (server, directory and filenames) for easy referencing of the same resource again - An on-line HTML tutorial (lots to add to this one!) - Hypermedia Introduction (and this one too!) - Saving/Loading/Clearing of documents - Standard Cut/Copy/Paste/Select functions available - Quick-reference box which changes as you move the pointer over different buttons To Install -------------- - Unzip the program into a single directory - Activate the program from either the file manager, or create an icon in the program manager My To-Do/Wish List -------------------------------- These will be added as time permits, not necessarily in any order. - Descriptive lists - Printing - Improve speed of paragraph tagging - More intelligence (eg no paragraph tags if line is a heading!) - Better error checking - Better search and replace - Documents > 30K - Escape sequences - Document preview (possibly) - WYSIWYG (more likely) - Improve interface, especially link additions - Add shortcut keys - Many other HTML capabilities - Lots of optimisation/tidying up to do - The tutorial need lots of work too - Images? - It goes on.......! Distribution ------------------ HTML Hyperedit is (C) Steve Hancock. HTML Hyperedit v0.3a may be freely distributed to anyone who wants it, or who may want to make use of it (subject to the disclaimer and conditions below). Conditions ----------------- This version is completely freeware. It must not be sold or given away either bundled or unbundled with any non-free package without prior permission from the author. (ie you are not allowed to make any money selling this package with or without any other package)! Disclaimer ----------------- And because it is free, the author accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions, problems, loss of data, theft of computer, the weather, extinction of the dinosaurs or Billy Ray Cyrus records. Contact ------------ Any bug reports/suggestions/gripes/complaints etc please email to: Steve Hancock User Advisor - Network Applications Educational Computing Services Curtin University Computing Centre Western Australia mple HTML document. First we'll look at giving the document a title. Highlight the area of text the you wish to perform the operation on. The simplest HTML example Then press the TITLE button. A Simple HTML Document The HTML tags are automatically placed! The document is titled. Now we'll add a heading to an area of the document. Highlight the area of text the you wish to perform the operation on. Press the HEADING button. This is a level one heading Then select the heading level you require.

    This is a level one heading

    The HTML heading tag is now in place. This is one paragraph. And this is a second. At some stage while editing the document press the PARAGRAPH button. And paragraph markers will be automatically placed into your document. This is one paragraph.

    And this is a second.

    Here's an image of a cat.gif cat. I'd like to emphasize this! Here's my email address. Lets just add a bit more text. Here's another three lines. Add the filename of the image that you wish to embed, and highlight it. Select the image button. (Hint: Use the right mouse button to change alignment.) And the image tag is placed! Here's an image of a cat. I can also set the style of an area of the document. Select FORMAT, and then choose a style. In this case, BOLD. I'd like to emphasize this! The tags required for formatting are placed. And lets put an email address at the bottom of the document. Select the ADDRESS button.

    Here's my email address.
    My address is now correctly formatted. Kangaroo Koala Sandgroper Suppose you want to format a list of items. By pressing the right mouse button I can select a numbered or plain list. Highlighting the list and pressing the button will format it.
  • Kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Emu
  • Sandgroper And the list is formatted!
  • Kangaroo
  • Koala
  • Emu
  • Sandgroper And the list is formatted! Here is a list of Gophers Now I want to create a link to another resource, such as a list of Gophers. After selecting the word that will become the link, press LINK. Select the type of item you wish to create a link to. Enter the name of the server here, or select previous item. Then enter the directory, or username if TELNET. NB: Gopher item type. 11/Other Gopher and Information Servers And finally the file name (if required). Here is a list of Gophers Click OK Here is a list of Gophers And the link is created. Now isn't that easier than trying to remember the tags? You can also set anchors, preformatting and other things. buttonup tuteexit invforward tuteforward listform formtype yellowbox2 yellarrow2 yellowgroup2 headhead headings yellowbox yellowgroup yellarrow dirtext servertext tutefield invback tuteback isithere tempdoc2 tempdoc tutelevel doctypes Gopher" port service "gopher" HTTP/WWW" "http" WAIS" "210" "wais" Telnet" "telnet" News" "119" "news" "ftp" File" "file" doctypes dochead buttonup buttonup Gopher gopher HTTP/WWW WAIS Telnet telnet News FTP File service HTTP/WWW Gopher File WAIS News Telnet FTP LLLLLLLLLLLL filetext serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield Ztline selectedtextlines filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename tline filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename Ztline selectedtextlines directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield tline Ztline selectedtextlines serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist tline cancel linkinfo buttonup buttonup linkinfo Cancel search []{};':"/.,<>?_+|-=\ ----------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. service httperTPKr linkinfo filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext C:\APPS\TOOLBOOK\HTMLEDIT\README.TXT directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext /1/Other Gopher and Information Servers /1/Other Gopher and Information Serversnformation Servers serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext www.ncsa.uiuc.educ.eduqqq Server/Host Directory servertext dirtext /1/blah doctypes Gopher" port service "gopher" HTTP/WWW" "http" WAIS" "210" "wais" Telnet" "telnet" News" "119" "news" "ftp" File" "file" doctypes dochead buttonup buttonup Gopher gopher HTTP/WWW WAIS Telnet telnet News FTP File service HTTP/WWW Gopher File WAIS News Telnet FTP LLLLLLLLLLLL filetext serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield Ztline selectedtextlines filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename tline filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename Ztline selectedtextlines directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield tline Ztline selectedtextlines serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist tline cancel linkinfo buttonup buttonup linkinfo Cancel ---------------------------- HTML Hyperedit ---------------------------- afdasfdadsfasdf HTML HyperEdit is a facility designed for MS-Windows(tm) users to aid and assist in the creation of HTML documents. It also comes with an introduction to Hypermedia HTML documents are simply plain text documents with special tags that client programs such as NCSA Mosaic use to decide how to display the text (bold, italics) and how to link documents together. HTML is a collection of styles used to define various components of the document. This version (v0.2a) is largely based on "A Beginners Guide to HTML" produced by NCSA. (Thanks guys!). I'm putting this together primarily for my own use, but anyone else who may find it useful is free to use it! Background: -------------------- This program has been put together entirely in my own spare time for the following purposes:- 1. To make it easier to edit HTML documents, including importing existing text documents for quick conversion to HTML 2. So I could become more familiar with HTML and also get in a bit of Toolbook development. (I didn't have time to do it in C, apologies to the purists out there!) 3. To provide a tool that someone who knows little about HTML could use for creating documents and learning about HTML. (I may as well make my teaching tasks easier too!) Although there are some good Word macros to make HTML documents, editors on other platforms are available etc, a Windows editor was lacking. So I thought I'd throw one together, primarily for my own purposes. However, I've made it available for anyone else who may find it useful. (FTP to, directory pub/internet/mswindows/hyperedit). Features: --------------- The following document tags are supported: - Titles - Six levels of headings - Inline images, aligned top or bottom - Simple numbered and unnumbered lists - Address tags - Italic/citation/variable text format - bold/strong text format - fixed-width font format - preformatted text - blockquotes - anchors within documents - URL links to files, WWW servers, gopher, WAIS, telnet, News Other features include: - Everything easily accessible from one screen using clearly labelled controls - Multiple documents (3 at the moment) - Automatic insertion of paragraph markers - History of previous links placed (server, directory and filenames) for easy referencing of the same resource again - An on-line HTML tutorial (lots to add to this one!) - Hypermedia Introduction (and this one too!) - Saving/Loading/Clearing of documents - Standard Cut/Copy/Paste/Select functions available - Quick-reference box which changes as you move the pointer over different buttons To Install -------------- - Unzip the program into a single directory - Activate the program from either the file manager, or create an icon in the program manager My To-Do/Wish List -------------------------------- These will be added as time permits, not necessarily in any order. - Descriptive lists - Printing - Improve speed of paragraph tagging - A Save dialog - More intelligence (eg no paragraph tags if line is a heading!) - Better error checking - Search and replace (a high priority!) - Documents > 30K - Escape sequences - Document preview (possibly) - WYSIWYG (more likely) - Improve interface, especially link additions - Add shortcut keys - Many other HTML capabilities - Lots of optimisation/tidying up to do - The tutorial need lots of work too Distribution ------------------ HTML Hyperedit is (C) Steve Hancock. HTML Hyperedit v0.2a may be freely distributed to anyone who wants it, or who may want to make use of it (subject to the disclaimer below). Disclaimer ----------------- And because of this the author accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions, problems, loss of data, theft of computer, the weather, extinction of the dinosaurs or Billy Ray Cyrus records. Contact ------------ Any bug reports/suggestions/grips/complaints etc please email to: Steve Hancock (User Adviser) Educational Computing Services Curtin University Computing Centre Western Australia Open a new file. get you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. irtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield tline Ztline selectedtextlines serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist tline cancel linkinfo buttonup buttonup linkinfo Cancel OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. tuteexit 4temp 4temp2 4isithere tuteback tuteforward Binvback Binvforward Btuteexit yellowbox yellowgroup yellarrow2 tutefield listform formtype linkinfo H0,-400 buttonup buttonup linkinfo formtype listform tutefield yellarrow2 yellowgroup yellowbox tuteexit invforward invback tuteforward tuteback isithere temp2 htmlpage 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme `<`<Curtin University of Technology

    Curtin University of Technology

    Welcome to the Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia Worldwide Web service.

    sffadf afasdfasdf asdfasdfasdfadsfasdf afasdfasfdasfd afasdfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsf afadsfdsafsadfasdfa afdsfasdfdsfdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsddsfsd dsfsdfsdfdsfds dsafasdfdsa asfdsdfdfasdfsdf afadsfasdf dasfasdfadsfasdfadsfsfd fadsfasdfdsfdfdsfsdfsdfsfdsdffdf sdfsdfsdfsdfsd fdsfadfafasfdsdafasdfsafsafdsadfasfasdfasfdadsf afsfasdfasdfasdfadsfasdf asfdasdfasdfdsafasdfdsadfasdfsadfasdfasfjksafdjahdjhasfdlhdsakjlhasgk adsfljafd;lkjafdlsfdl;kjsfdlk;jafd;lkjfdlksafdjlkdsafjghsdafkgiueywruiyew erufewruewureworuewruewruewoiuewfruowreuo At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    At the moment, it mainly consists of links to various Internet resouces, including Gophers such as the Curtin University Gopher, which contains links to lots of other information that may be of use.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    The Curtin Library catalogue may also be accessed via telnet. Other Australian Libraries and Worldwide Libraries are also available.

    Some of the commonly accessed machines on campus are Vax 5, Vax7, INFO and CUJO.

    blah tutefield 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme The simplest HTML Example This is a level one heading Welcome to the world of HTML. This is one paragraph. And this is a second. And this is a second.

    Here's an image of a cat. I'd like to emphasize this!

    Here's my email address.
    rial to see a live demo of creating a simple HTML document. It may be all you need, and although limited, is probably better than this! HTML Documents are plain text documents with special tags that indicate formatting information or links to further information. To tag a word or area of text, highlight it by dragging the mouse over as normal. It will then appear in reverse text. To perform an operation on the text, select one of the control buttons on the bottom of the screen. These are described below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: There should be only one title block in the document. It indicates what the document is called. Currently no error checking is done to look for multiple title blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information includes: 1. Services (FTP, Gopher, HTTP, etc) *The port number is automatically selected depending on the service. You can manually change the port if you wish. 2. Host name (eg *For files on a local machine, or network drive, this should be blank. 3. Directory name (/pub/docs) *This is also the USERNAME for telnet information. *If referring to a file on a local machine, such as c:, don't include the :. (Refer to c:\docs as c/docs). *For Gopher, make sure you include the document type. eg (11/docs/info). 4. Filename (intro.html) Optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. Open File 4fileName linkDLL "tbkdlg.dll" STRING opendlg( ".","*.*","Choose a Z...","Open") ("What zyou want sysErrorNumber htmlpage charsRead < 32000 16000 H16000 helpme tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp tbkdlg.dll opendlg 3 Choose a text file... opendlg charsRead htmlpage fileName mouseenter Open a new file. helpme mouseleave helpme Open File Save File --Kludge files ZfileName ("What zyou want call the --Does K exist? fileexists( "File Already Exists. Replace f"OK" "Cancel" --If user wishes replace doesn't exits, Fperform sysErrorNumber htmlpage helpme "Save ." &CRLF&"Apologies no dialog - coming soon!" tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp What do you want to call the file? fileexists File Already Exists. Replace it? Cancel Cancel htmlpage fileName mouseenter Save file. Apologies for no dialog - coming soon! helpme mouseleave helpme Save File Clear "Are you really, sure?" f"Positively" htmlpage helpme "Clears current document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup Are you really, really sure? Positively Positively htmlpage mouseenter Clears current document. helpme mouseleave helpme Clear helpme helpme HTML HYPEREDIT " & CRLF & (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter HTML HYPEREDIT (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock helpme mouseleave helpme 4lastTextState Zloop Zltype E <= "
  • " & " " & htmlpage "<" & & ">" & CRLF & "" listform helpme "Format selected lines 6. Right rightbuttondown buttonup mouseenter mouseleave buttonup htmlpage ltype lastTextState rightbuttondown listform mouseenter Format selected lines as a list. Right button = select type of list. helpme mouseleave helpme selectedtextlines doctypes service "http" port linkinfo helpme "Selected will be a linked a document resource on another server." tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp linkinfo service doctypes mouseenter Selected text will be a linked to a document or resource on another server. helpme mouseleave helpme pctrlID pdlgBox 524480,17,30,20,223,137,,,Link Editor,8,Helv,dirname,8.65,39.63,32.61,11.45,40,1342177280,130,Directory:,0,server,17.22,20.55,28.61,11.45,28,1342177280,130,Server:,0,Gopher,80.65,82.09,35.43,9.85,17,1342177289,128,Gopher,0,WWW,44.61,81.93,33.68,10.46,18,1342177289,128,WWW,0,News,80.61,96.82,31.43,9.85,19,1342177289,128,News,0,Telnet,45.03,96.90,34.86,10.46,20,1342177289,128,Telnet,0,wais,120.61,97.15,32.53,10.46,21,1342177289,128,WAIS,0,File,121.22,82.91,28.53,9.85,22,1342177289,128,File,0,seltype,21.30,81.93,19.50,10.22,23,1342177280,130,Type:,0,server,44.65,19.94,101.68,80.31,27,1352728643,133,,0,port,180.65,20.55,16.04,12.55,29,1350631552,129,,0,porttext,157.75,22.40,17.18,12.06,30,1342177280,130,Port:,0,directory,44.65,39.02,101.10,80.31,34,1352728643,133,,0,file,44.65,59.94,101.10,80.31,38,1352728643,133,,0,fname,9.22,59.94,33.18,11.45,41,1342177280,130,Filename:,0,OK,160.08,46.40,38.29,18.46,43,1342242817,128,OK,0,cancel,160.65,79.02,38.29,18.46,44,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 tdlgInit static dirname,s40,Directory: static server,s28,Server: button Gopher,b17,FALSE button WWW,b18,TRUE button News,b19,FALSE button Telnet,b20,FALSE button wais,b21,FALSE button File,b22,FALSE static seltype,s23,Type: combobox server,c27, edit port,e29, static porttext,s30,Port: combobox directory,c34, combobox file,c38, static fname,s41,Filename: button OK,b43,TRUE button cancel,b44,FALSE Paragraphs htmlpage pstatus setgauge 0 Zloop, maxcount, deccount r) -1 & blah "

    " *100 > default helpme "Place markers document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup esetgauge esetgauge esetgauge default maxcount deccount gauge pstatus htmlpage mouseenter Place paragraph markers into document. helpme mouseleave helpme Paragraphs Image 4anchorname ("What the filename image?" 4lastTextState Baligntop htmlpage "" & ">" imageform helpme "Selected inline 4. Right alignment rightbuttondown buttonup mouseenter mouseleave buttonup " & U& " htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Format selected lines as an email address. helpme mouseleave helpme Address Anchor 4anchorname ("What zyou want call the 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & "" helpme "Anchor selected . Other documents may Fform a link tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup What do you want to call the anchor? " & S& " htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Selected text to become title of document. Should only appear once in document. helpme mouseleave helpme Title Heading headings headhead levels helpme "Set selected z x, where x 1-6." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup headhead headings mouseenter Set selected text to heading level x, where x is 1-6. helpme mouseleave helpme Heading levels headinglist Level of Heading? 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & out & "
    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & out & "
    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "

    " & out & "

    " levels buttonup buttonup levels htmlpage lastTextState Cancel levels buttonup buttonup levels Cancel Preform 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & 
    Q& "
    htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Selected text will appear in fixed-width font within viewer. helpme mouseleave helpme Preform Quote 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & X& "
    htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Format selected lines as a quotation. helpme mouseleave helpme Quote headings Ztbegin, tend 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & [& "" headhead headings buttonup buttonup headings headhead htmlpage lastTextState tbegin Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 CANCEL headhead Select Heading Level service httperTP Indicator pstatus Placing paragraph markers into document Gauge setGauge percent <= 1 >= 0 "limiter" yMin yMax "Indicator" setGauge setGauge limiter Indicator percent Indicator Limiter Percent Complete formtype 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Italic 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & T& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Strong 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Variable 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Sample 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & P& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Fixed Select Format Type formtype buttonup buttonup formtype Cancel listform numbered Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Numbered Plain Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Plain List Format imageform alignbottom Balignbottom Baligntop imageform buttonup buttonup imageform aligntop alignbottom Bottom aligntop Baligntop Balignbottom imageform buttonup buttonup imageform alignbottom aligntop Align Image about about2 activatate activatated Windows Simple HTML Editor v0.2a Thrown together by Steve Hancock ( (C) 1993 - but freely distributable!! about buttonup buttonup about tuteforward tuteback invback 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup buttonup buttonup yellowblurb yellowgroup tutelevel invforward 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup buttonup buttonup yellowblurb yellowgroup tutelevel yellarrow2 yellowgroup yellarrow yellowbox HTML Hyperedit can be used to easily create the documents. Mac, X, Cello etcsplay the information. and files.. Use the LOCAL FILE function. yellowgroup2 yellowbox2 At some stage while editing the document press the PARAGRAPH button........ tuteinfo You have started a brief on-line tutorial, designed to introduce you to HTML, and facilities of this editor. Select either of the pointing hands to move to the next or previous step. Select the EXIT button at any time to leave. (Yes it will be expanded and optimised in the near future - remember this is an alpha!). 4tutelevel yellowblurb yellowgroup tuteinfo tutefield buttonup buttonup yellowblurb tutefield tuteinfo yellowgroup tutelevel I'll give it a try tuteinfo tuteback tuteforward Binvback Binvforward Btuteexit tutefield buttonup buttonup tutefield tuteexit invforward invback tuteforward tuteback tuteinfo No thanks. linkinfo filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext index.html index.txt directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext /1/Other Gopher and Information Servers /1/Other Gopher and Information Serversnformation Servers serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext www.ncsa.uiuc.educ.eduqqq Server/Host Directory servertext dirtext 1/Other Gopher and Information Serverss doctypes Gopher" port service "gopher" HTTP/WWW" "http" WAIS" "210" "wais" Telnet" "telnet" News" "119" "news" "ftp" File" "file" doctypes dochead buttonup buttonup Gopher gopher HTTP/WWW WAIS Telnet telnet News FTP File service HTTP/WWW Gopher File WAIS News Telnet FTP LLLLLLLLLLLL filetext serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield Ztline selectedtextlines filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename tline filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename Ztline selectedtextlines directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield tline Ztline selectedtextlines serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist tline cancel linkinfo buttonup buttonup linkinfo Cancel Helpok tutefield Btitle Bheading Banchor Bimage Blink Bpreform Baddress Blist file" Bparagraphs Bhelpok buttonup buttonup quote format open file save file clear helpok paragraphs address preform image anchor heading title tutefield Selected text will be a linked to a document or resource on another server. Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. EDIT menu. D@DHI*Z ` ` ` htmlpage 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme ---------------------------- HTML Hyperedit ---------------------------- HTML
    HyperEdit is a facility designed for MS-Windows(tm) users to aid and assist in the creation of HTML documents. It also comes with an introduction to Hypermedia HTML documents are simply plain text documents with special tags that client programs such as NCSA Mosaic use to decide how to display the text (bold, italics) and how to link documents together. HTML is a collection of styles used to define various components of the document. This version (v0.2a) is largely based on "A Beginners Guide to HTML" produced by NCSA. (Thanks guys!). I'm putting this together primarily for my own use, but anyone else who may find it useful is free to use it! Background: -------------------- This program has been put together entirely in my own spare time for the following purposes:- 1. To make it easier to edit HTML documents, including importing existing text documents for quick conversion to HTML 2. So I could become more familiar with HTML and also get in a bit of Toolbook development. (I didn't have time to do it in C, apologies to the purists out there!) 3. To provide a tool that someone who knows little about HTML could use for creating documents and learning about HTML. (I may as well make my teaching tasks easier too!) Although there are some good Word macros to make HTML documents, editors on other platforms are available etc, a Windows editor was lacking. So I thought I'd throw one together, primarily for my own purposes. However, I've made it available for anyone else who may find it useful. (FTP to, directory pub/internet/mswindows/hyperedit). Features: --------------- The following document tags are supported: - Titles - Six levels of headings - Inline images, aligned top or bottom - Simple numbered and unnumbered lists - Address tags - Italic/citation/variable text format - bold/strong text format - fixed-width font format - preformatted text - blockquotes - anchors within documents - URL links to files, WWW servers, gopher, WAIS, telnet, News Other features include: - Everything easily accessible from one screen using clearly labelled controls - Multiple documents (3 at the moment) - Automatic insertion of paragraph markers - History of previous links placed (server, directory and filenames) for easy referencing of the same resource again - An on-line HTML tutorial (lots to add to this one!) - Hypermedia Introduction (and this one too!) - Saving/Loading/Clearing of documents - Standard Cut/Copy/Paste/Select functions available - Quick-reference box which changes as you move the pointer over different buttons To Install -------------- - Unzip the program into a single directory - Activate the program from either the file manager, or create an icon in the program manager My To-Do/Wish List -------------------------------- These will be added as time permits, not necessarily in any order. - Descriptive lists - Printing - Improve speed of paragraph tagging - A Save dialog - More intelligence (eg no paragraph tags if line is a heading!) - Better error checking - Search and replace (a high priority!) - Documents > 30K - Escape sequences - Document preview (possibly) - WYSIWYG (more likely) - Improve interface, especially link additions - Add shortcut keys - Many other HTML capabilities - Lots of optimisation/tidying up to do - The tutorial need lots of work too Distribution ------------------ HTML Hyperedit is (C) Steve Hancock. HTML Hyperedit v0.2a may be freely distributed to anyone who wants it, or who may want to make use of it (subject to the disclaimer below). Disclaimer ----------------- And because of this the author accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions, problems, loss of data, theft of computer, the weather, extinction of the dinosaurs or Billy Ray Cyrus records. Contact ------------ Any bug reports/suggestions/grips/complaints etc please email to: Steve Hancock (User Adviser) Educational Computing Services Curtin University Computing Centre Western Australia helpme helpme HTML HYPEREDIT " & CRLF & (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock" mouseenter mouseleave mouseenter HTML HYPEREDIT (C) 1993 - Stephen Hancock helpme mouseleave helpme 4lastTextState Zloop Zltype E <= "
  • " & " " & htmlpage "<" & & ">" & CRLF & "" listform helpme "Format selected lines 6. Right rightbuttondown buttonup mouseenter mouseleave buttonup htmlpage ltype lastTextState rightbuttondown listform mouseenter Format selected lines as a list. Right button = select type of list. helpme mouseleave helpme selectedtextlines doctypes service "http" port linkinfo helpme "Selected will be a linked a document resource on another server." tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp linkinfo service doctypes mouseenter Selected text will be a linked to a document or resource on another server. helpme mouseleave helpme "dlgInit static dirname,s40,Directory: static server,s28,Server: button Gopher,b17,FALSE button WWW,b18,TRUE button News,b19,FALSE button Telnet,b20,FALSE button wais,b21,FALSE button File,b22,FALSE static seltype,s23,Type: combobox server,c27, edit port,e29, static porttext,s30,Port: combobox directory,c34, combobox file,c38, static fname,s41,Filename: button OK,b43,TRUE button cancel,b44,FALSE 0(H$dlgBox 524480,17,30,20,223,137,,,Link Editor,8,Helv,dirname,8.65,39.63,32.61,11.45,40,1342177280,130,Directory:,0,server,17.22,20.55,28.61,11.45,28,1342177280,130,Server:,0,Gopher,80.65,82.09,35.43,9.85,17,1342177289,128,Gopher,0,WWW,44.61,81.93,33.68,10.46,18,1342177289,128,WWW,0,News,80.61,96.82,31.43,9.85,19,1342177289,128,News,0,Telnet,45.03,96.90,34.86,10.46,20,1342177289,128,Telnet,0,wais,120.61,97.15,32.53,10.46,21,1342177289,128,WAIS,0,File,121.22,82.91,28.53,9.85,22,1342177289,128,File,0,seltype,21.30,81.93,19.50,10.22,23,1342177280,130,Type:,0,server,44.65,19.94,101.68,80.31,27,1352728643,133,,0,port,180.65,20.55,16.04,12.55,29,1350631552,129,,0,porttext,157.75,22.40,17.18,12.06,30,1342177280,130,Port:,0,directory,44.65,39.02,101.10,80.31,34,1352728643,133,,0,file,44.65,59.94,101.10,80.31,38,1352728643,133,,0,fname,9.22,59.94,33.18,11.45,41,1342177280,130,Filename:,0,OK,160.08,46.40,38.29,18.46,43,1342242817,128,OK,0,cancel,160.65,79.02,38.29,18.46,44,1342242817,128,Cancel,0 @(ctrlID Image 4anchorname ("What the filename image?" 4lastTextState Baligntop htmlpage "" & ">" imageform helpme "Selected inline 4. Right alignment rightbuttondown buttonup mouseenter mouseleave buttonup " & U& " htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Format selected lines as an email address. helpme mouseleave helpme Address Anchor 4anchorname ("What zyou want call the 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & "" helpme "Anchor selected . Other documents may Fform a link tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup What do you want to call the anchor? " & & " htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Selected text to become title of document. Should only appear once in document. helpme mouseleave helpme Title Heading headings headhead levels helpme "Set selected z x, where x 1-6." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup headhead headings mouseenter Set selected text to heading level x, where x is 1-6. helpme mouseleave helpme Heading Preform 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & 
    Q& "
    htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Selected text will appear in fixed-width font within viewer. helpme mouseleave helpme Preform Quote 4lastTextState htmlpage "
    " & X& "
    htmlpage lastTextState mouseenter Format selected lines as a quotation. helpme mouseleave helpme Quote headings Ztbegin, tend 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & [& "" headhead headings buttonup buttonup headings headhead htmlpage lastTextState tbegin Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 CANCEL headhead Select Heading Level Indicator pstatus Placing paragraph markers into document Gauge setGauge percent <= 1 >= 0 "limiter" yMin yMax "Indicator" setGauge setGauge limiter Indicator percent Indicator Limiter Percent Complete formtype 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & O& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Italic 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & T& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Strong 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Variable 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & Q& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & R& " formtype htmlpage lastTextState Sample 4lastTextState htmlpage "" & P& "" formtype buttonup buttonup formtype htmlpage lastTextState Fixed Select Format Type formtype buttonup buttonup formtype Cancel listform numbered Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Numbered Plain Bnumbered listform buttonup buttonup listform numbered Plain List Format imageform alignbottom Balignbottom Baligntop imageform buttonup buttonup imageform aligntop alignbottom Bottom aligntop Baligntop Balignbottom imageform buttonup buttonup imageform alignbottom aligntop Align Image about about2 aactivatated bactivatate Windows Simple HTML Editor v0.2a Thrown together by Steve Hancock ( (C) 1993 - but freely distributable!! about buttonup buttonup about Helpok tutefield Btitle Bheading Banchor Bimage Blink Bpreform Baddress Blist file" Bparagraphs Bhelpok buttonup buttonup quote format open file save file clear helpok paragraphs address preform image anchor heading title tutefield Open File 4fileName linkDLL "tbkdlg.dll" STRING opendlg( ".","*.*","Choose a Z...","Open") ("What zyou want sysErrorNumber htmlpage charsRead < 32000 16000 H16000 helpme tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp tbkdlg.dll opendlg 3 Choose a text file... opendlg charsRead htmlpage fileName mouseenter Open a new file. helpme mouseleave helpme Open File Save File --Kludge files ZfileName ("What zyou want call the --Does K exist? fileexists( "File Already Exists. Replace f"OK" "Cancel" --If user wishes replace doesn't exits, Fperform sysErrorNumber htmlpage helpme "Save ." &CRLF&"Apologies no dialog - coming soon!" tonUp mouseenter buttonUp mouseleave buttonUp What do you want to call the file? fileexists File Already Exists. Replace it? Cancel Cancel htmlpage fileName mouseenter Save file. Apologies for no dialog - coming soon! helpme mouseleave helpme Save File Clear "Are you really, sure?" f"Positively" htmlpage helpme "Clears current document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup Are you really, really sure? Positively Positively htmlpage mouseenter Clears current document. helpme mouseleave helpme Clear Paragraphs htmlpage pstatus setgauge 0 Zloop, maxcount, deccount r) -1 & blah "

    " *100 > default helpme "Place markers document." tonup mouseenter buttonup mouseleave buttonup esetgauge esetgauge esetgauge default maxcount deccount gauge pstatus htmlpage mouseenter Place paragraph markers into document. helpme mouseleave helpme Paragraphs tutefield 4lastTextState selectedTextState key, isshift, isControl keyenter helpme "Your document! Don't forget you can use standard eetc EDIT keyDown leavefield mouseenter mouseleave leavefield lastTextState keyDown 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar 5keychar isControl isshift mouseenter Your document! Don't forget you can use standard cut, paste, copy etc from the EDIT menu. helpme mouseleave helpme -------------------------------------------- Help with HTML HyperEdit ------------------------------------------- LATE BUGS: WAIS is not functional. All commands are accessible from the one screen, by pressing appropriate control buttons that appear on the bottom of the screen. Try the HTML tutorial to see a live demo of creating a simple HTML document. It may be all you need, and although limited, is probably better than this! HTML Documents are plain text documents with special tags that indicate formatting information or links to further information. To tag a word or area of text, highlight it by dragging the mouse over as normal. It will then appear in reverse text. To perform an operation on the text, select one of the control buttons on the bottom of the screen. These are described below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: There should be only one title block in the document. It indicates what the document is called. Currently no error checking is done to look for multiple title blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEADING: You can have up to 6 levels of headings in the document. Press the button and then select the level of heading the you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANCHOR: You will be prompted for the name of the anchor. The selected text will become the anchor. Anchors allow external documents to reference specific areas within a document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE: Highlighting the FILENAME of the image will allow you to embed it within your document. Pressing the right mouse button (before embedding the image) allows you to select whether to align the text with the top or bottom of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFORM: The selected area of text will appear in a fixed-with format. Great for programs etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTE: Forces the selected text to appear as a quotation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS: Formats the text as an address field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT: Selecting FORMAT allows you to choose whether to format the text as BOLD, ITALICS, FIXED etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST: Each selected line will become an item of a list. Press the right mouse button to choose whether you want a numbered or unnumbered list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK: This allows you to make a word link to another document or service somewhere out there on the Internet. The relevant link information includes: 1. Services (FTP, Gopher, HTTP, etc) *The port number is automatically selected depending on the service. You can manually change the port if you wish. 2. Host name (eg *For files on a local machine, or network drive, this should be blank. 3. Directory name (/pub/docs) *This is also the USERNAME for telnet information. *If referring to a file on a local machine, such as c:, don't include the :. (Refer to c:\docs as c/docs). *For Gopher, make sure you include the document type. eg (11/docs/info). 4. Filename (intro.html) Optional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FUNCTIONS: ----------------------------------- Select the Document number from the Document menu to move between 3 different documents. SAVE FILE works on the current document. OPEN FILE replaces the current document with a file. (NB: No warning is given). CLEAR: Clears the editing buffer PARAGRAPHS: Places paragraph tags. NB: No checking for whether the marker is a heading, title etc (yet!). EDIT MENU: Usual CUT, COPY, PASTE, LIMITED UNDO etc available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can tell, this helpfile was put together very quickly. A real one will be included later :-). Steve. service httperTPW linkinfo filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext index.html index.txt directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext /1/Other Gopher and Information Servers /1/Other Gopher and Information Serversnformation Servers serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext www.ncsa.uiuc.educ.eduqqq Server/Host Directory servertext dirtext /1/blah doctypes Gopher" port service "gopher" HTTP/WWW" "http" WAIS" "210" "wais" Telnet" "telnet" News" "119" "news" "ftp" File" "file" doctypes dochead buttonup buttonup Gopher gopher HTTP/WWW WAIS Telnet telnet News FTP File service HTTP/WWW Gopher File WAIS News Telnet FTP LLLLLLLLLLLL filetext serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield Ztline selectedtextlines filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename tline filename filetext buttonup buttonup filetext filename Ztline selectedtextlines directfield dirtext buttonup buttonup dirtext directfield tline Ztline selectedtextlines serverlist servertext buttonup buttonup servertext serverlist tline cancel linkinfo buttonup buttonup linkinfo Cancel ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ IMAGEMKREXE INK1 BMP DAFFY BMP YOD2 BMP W BAT APSTUDIOINI APPLICATGRP WINEZ EXE WINEZDLLDLL WINEZ INI MULTIMEDGRP MSVC GRP SYSTEM INI MSVC INI TECHNOTEINI MSDRAW INI ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZblurg ##%###'##%####'### d((((((((((( h(((d ((((((d *.*.*.*.*.*.*. n*.*n ##'#%# j.*.*. ..*.*.*.